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This is an idea I had. It’s a web socket framework designed for simple usage on any site. The base idea is to have a live data displayed on a page so any edit of a field gets inmediately broadcasted to all currently connected clients. this way everybody can see the latest changes on a form. I have a lot of ideas for this one. I want to make something like a statefull object to be able to tell everyone that an entry is currently being edited by someone Right now the implementation is not very secure but I will try to work on that. It’s just an idea in the current state.
Right now the backend side is a simple websocket server returning some data as an example. It’s running on Apache Tomcat 8 sever but I plan to make an example for node.js as well.
This concept is something I have in mind for a long time. In most of the current web applications the communication between client and sever is huge. And there is an abundance of communication being sent all over the place. With websockets we can have only the data that has been realy changed sent.
For example if we have a form with these fields:
- name
- surname
- street
- address
- zip
And the user just changed the street field in any of the current web app we would need to send the whole form object to the server to proccess the data and update an object. But with my solution we only need to send the changed street and that’s it. Then the server can do whatever it needs to do with this field and broadcast the changed value to all clients. This makes any application significantly faster. Not to mention that everyone can see the latest data with no delay.
Feel free to fork it on github if you are intrested.